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Battle system help
Posted by: William
05:12:25 05-02-2004

I need help with my new battle system. How to use manhy enemies in a battle and such.
So first in the battle system I will use:

Something like that. I think you understand it very easy. But I will also have it in "#if(boardskill!=1)".
Then it will look like this:




It will be like that. And I think this is a pretty good and easy start of a battle system, so what do you think?

And the hard part is that I never made a battle system with more then one character before. Ohh, yea one. Bu it was so if based so it was not good.
So I need all suggestions and ideas from you that I can get to use more then one enemy in battle. I think I will have 2 enemies, maybe 3 if I can
program it. And I seen your battle system program so I can use some ideas from it.But it's hard for me to understand it. I know that all the enemies stats
shall equal to the same, like this:

etc... (and the same with the skelleton)

If I use that kind of stats, then it wont be needing to equal them to another stat. Because if I fight a goblin, and he have the stats that you
can see over there. And if I defete if, and after that I fight against a skelleton, and if he is better then the goblin, then the stats will change
and the goblin stats will be deleted. I hope you understand, and I can't explain that good.

So this is the begining of the bs. But I need to know (just veru simple) information about when the enemy fight agaist me. How shall that be,
can you show me a example?

Thanks, I hope you can help me. / William

Fan of DA. Keep it going.

Working on other things now. Trying to get my life to pieces.
That was a long time ago I wrote this:
Project: Marovia
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