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About the Blue Crystals (DAX)
Posted by: Killer-raven
12:33:20 06-28-2009

Oh, hello! It's certainly been awhile. I'll save you all the pleasantries and cut right to the chase.

I'm thinking of doing a video lets play of Dark Age EX sometime in the hear future. If you're not familiar with the concept of a video lets play, It's basically a series of videos playing through a game, featuring commentary and detailed information on the game as a whole.

I'm going to attempting a complete run on normal, covering all the side quests and things like that. However, to this day I have yet to locate all 7 of the blue crystals, and this of course complicates my plans somewhat.

I'm playing through the game right now and making notes, and I've managed to locate 4 of them (which tends to be all that I find). I know there are a couple both in and around Sarry, but their exact location continues too elude me. The real issue though is the other one I've yet to find. I have no idea where in the world it would be. I've gotten the ones in South Varda, The Wizard palace, and the 2 in Braumberg.

If there's anyone who could assist me in locating the very last one, it would be much appreciated.

"Too bad you're so weak..."
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