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In reply to: if you havent..... -- camishio 23:07:21 09-01-2007

Posted by: Xorlak
23:43:38 09-01-2007

I have been drawing a lot, actually.  I just drew this guy and this guy for the DAL RP.  Drawing is fun, and I'd like to get better at it.

The Kelzar Mage comic was just an experiment, mind you.  My original intentions were just to do the battle scene in Act 1 and be done with it.  A sort of mini-project, you know?  But then people wanted more, so I started thinking about what would happen next.

Problem is, I'm backwards writing (I think there's an actual name for it that escapes me.  Heh...).  I'm trying to fill in gaps in a story that's already finished (Dark Age 2, the game) without effecting events that already happened.  Now that I think about it, I'm not sure that's a good route to go.  The battle was no problem, because there wasn't much story there, and I actually intended a variation of that to be the intro to the game at one point.  I liked DA2's story, but the game's done over with and I'm more interested in moving onto other things.  So now I'm thinking it might be better just to leave it be.

Plus the next couple of pages are a bunch of nobles sitting around a table talking, and that's boring to draw.  (Heh...)

This of course isn't for certain.  If I feel like drawing it tomorrow, then I'll go for it.

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