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In reply to: Oops... -- Xorlak 11:01:00 03-23-2007

Posted by: Cesque
05:44:59 03-24-2007

Also, two more typos (we all love those): "YOU'RE SOUL IS MINE" during Hades battle and one typo during Darken speech in draken realm ("thier" or something like that, I don't remember exactly).

Ps. How do you technically increase the transformation period?

Ps. ps. Oh, and since I already ask so many questions... who's the 'authority' and where do people get plastered? ;)

Ps. ps. ps. While we're at it, the "hard mode" should be renamed to "Easy Darken? Take THAT, Colin!" mode.

"Xorlak is the most powerful, evil, vile and feared dark wizard known to man!"
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