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Poor Ragnaros
Posted by: Zaku_Zelo
17:22:46 08-12-2006

So I've tracked down ole Ragnaros on his tiny little island. Man, he's tough. After dieing to him a few times, I leave to find some more attack-oriented equpment. I come back, save right before his little encounter point, fight him, and die. Boo!

Here's the glitch. After the lackluster "ZOMFG U R DED" sequence I respawn right before his spot, and step forward to challange Ragnaros again...and nothing happens. I walk on and off his spot a few times, and he still dosent show. The chests still worked though. So now I got all his stuff, cept anything he drops, but haven't killed him. WTF?

(First post.)

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