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Bugfix status
Posted by: Xorlak
12:30:09 03-21-2004

The DA2 bugfixes are going well, but these two (coincidently both reported by MoD) I can't reproduce:

Alright, in battle, SOMETIMES when you fail to run from an enemy, the character just disappears. You can still fight, but Brash is invisible.

Also, after fighting the second boss in Viper's cave, I encountered a slug. Brash targeted the second enemy, even though there was none, AND I selected the slug for the attack.

I think the second is just a (rare) random occurance.  It seems every once in a while the translator loads one character of the battle system or its supporting files incorrectly (i.e. every 1 in 50 battles or so, I'll get an error message like "Error: method #animalion( ... ) not found!"  And I know very well I put #animation, because the move worked all other times.) So perhaps it messed up on a variable in that case.

The first one may be a small looping error in the battle system, though.  Can anyone else confirm/provide more information on these bugs?

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