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In reply to: Need help -- Tough Dragon 17:58:09 03-06-2006

Posted by: William
19:33:04 03-06-2006

Whats wrong? Do you want a complete one?
First of, that part you got there looks copied from somewere else, but that doesnt really matter. its kinda buggy, this:

character0[name]$ = "Tough Dragon"
character0[health]! = 100
character0[attack]! = 25
character0[defense]! = 10
enemy0[name]$ = "Usake"
enemy0[health]! = 100
enemy0[attack]! = 25
enemy0[defense]! = 10
specialmove["level"]$ = "fierce"
specialmove["power"]! = 100

Should look like:

charactername[num!]$ = "Tough Dragon"
characterhp[num!]! = 100
characteratt[num!]! = 25
characterdef[num!]! = 10
enemyname[num!]$ = "Usake"
enemyhp[num!]! = 100
enemyatt[num!]! = 25
enemydef[num!]! = 10
specialmovelvl[num!]$ = "fierce"
specialmovepow[num!]! = 100

Fan of DA. Keep it going.

Working on other things now. Trying to get my life to pieces.
That was a long time ago I wrote this:
Project: Marovia
Finished: 32%
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