In reply to: Sure -- Xorlak 12:23:43 12-02-2005
That's no good Posted by: Kahn 12:10:55 12-18-2005 |
I'm currently in an animation course at my school that's being done by an independant film maker, who actually brought a lot of other film related courses to the school. Anyway he went to the school division and got a bunch of new EMacs, video cameras, and other equptment. Because of the feature film course he is doing at this school and had already done a couple times at his old school, he has a $1000 still camera, a $1000 soft box, and a $2000 tripod. All of which we used in the stop-motion section, not to mention we were using Final Cut Express HD, which will allow you to do anything you need for stop-motion, at 12 fps, in groups of 5.
And yet all of our stuff turned out like garbage compared to your Mystic Sword.