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In reply to: Cool! -- Aminaga 14:10:51 12-01-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
16:21:06 12-01-2005

I never said I wasn't working on a game as well... *wink* *wink*

I did about half the voices.  My brother contributed a lot.  This is five and a half years old as well, mind you.  I think I can manage some "cooler" voices nowadays, though, with a little help from some voice distortion software.  (Heh...)

My voices:

Victor (the mysterious old wizard)
Floyd (the guy who runs away, my arrogant rich guy voice)
Jayce (the super powerful evil general, my overdone fake British accent)
The Mayor (general angry guy voice)
I think one of the villagers in the background as well.
Ivan (The young wizard.  Not sure what the heck I was thinking.  German accent maybe...  Heh...)

Sound editing for this thing was a huge pain.  It's basically all live, with us yelling into a microphone reading a script while pressing buttons on a nearby computer (or video game sound test, heh...) for sound effects.  If we screwed up, we had to do the whole scene over.  (You'll notice a few mistakes, which I let go after 10 takes or so.  Heh...)

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