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In reply to: I also want a dark age ex copatible Darken(Unmasked) -- Mickey 13:32:43 10-09-2005

Here is a edited finale4 program
Posted by: Mickey
17:44:23 10-09-2005

#putplayer("Dr. Science",11,12,3)
#push(e,"Dr. Science")
#posture(3,"Dr. Science")
#mwin("The Orbs...")
#mwin("Yes, you're just in time to see me")
#mwin("destroy them.")
#mwin("Mortis! What's going on here?! what did")
#mwin("you do to the castle?!")
#mwin("Oh, this?  I was just testing my new")
#mwin("powers.  You can say it's my own little")
#mwin("A world within a castle?  You're")
#mwin("Heh, normally I would play around with")
#mwin("you.  But I'm tired of games, so I'll")
#mwin("just kill you now.")
#mwin("NO!  NOT AGAIN!!!!")
#mwin("What?  That spell was way stronger than")
#mwin("The Orbs reacted to Vance!")
#mwin("Then my predictions must be true...")
#mwin("Vance must be a decendant of one of")
#mwin("those who sealed the Doom Egg eons")
#mwin("That explains why my controlling magic")
#mwin("had no effect on you.  Yes, that's the")
#mwin("real reason why I wanted to get rid of")
#mwin("you.  But it's too late now.")
#mwin("Hey!  It was my nerve gas that did")
#mwin("all the work!")
#mwin("Back then my controlling magic would")
#mwin("only influence, not completely control.")
#mwin("How do you think I got that dumb king")
#mwin("to attack the Wizard Palace to get")
#mwin("the Violet Orb and my Black Magic")
#mwin("But don't get too cocky, paralyzing you")
#mwin("is only the cheap way to victory...")
#mwin("If creating a world is so easy, imagine")
#mwin("how easy it will be to destroy one...")
#mwin("The world will enter a new age... the")
#mwin("Age of Mortis...")
#mwin("the DARK AGE!!!")
#mwin("Too bad you're so weak...")
#mwin("The Orbs awakened Vance's hidden power-- the")
#mwin("Sacred Fire spell!")

All I need is a Dark Age EX Compatible Darken.