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In reply to: Third reply! -- Colin 03:16:23 11-03-2004

"switch" construct
Posted by: Colin
03:23:11 11-03-2004

This is one you should have used:

  if(avatarID == 0){ var avpath = "avatars/blank.gif"; } else
  if(avatarID == 1){ var avpath = "avatars/brash.gif"; } else


switch (avatarID)

case 0:
var avpath = "avatars/blank.gif";
} break; // Or something to that effect (whatever JS uses :P)

case 1:
var avpath = "avatars/brash.gif";
} break;


It's also if (, while (, for (, note the space.

Sorry for the 10 million posts - I'll never choose vie source again :P

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