In reply to: Real Time Battle System... -- William 09:34:56 09-19-2004
Well... Posted by: Xorlak 15:07:07 09-19-2004 |
The main loop is probably going to look something like this:
When you move your player and enemies, you'll have to update location varaibles for each and check weather those variable conflict with the variables of other players/enemies:
* Enemy movement
* This is simplifed for just one player and enemy
* itemposX!, itemposY!, and playerposX, playerposY! are the x,y
* locations of the enemy and player respectively
#method enemyturn()
#random(4, direction!)
#if(direction!=1) * North
#if(checkY!~=playerposY!) *make sure it's clear one space above the enemy. If not, don't move the enemy
* do the same, except check to the left...
*etc, for all 4 directions
That's the basic idea. #playerturn will be similar, except you'll obvioulsy be reading the #get(a$) instead of doing a random direction. To check if the player/enemy is attackable, you add another #if for the case where the x,y positions of the object and place you're checking are the same.