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In reply to: Hmm... -- Colin 21:55:28 08-11-2004

Posted by: Tidus
16:22:52 08-14-2004

Dont use downloaded Cursor Programs, I find them hard to config instead use this one that I made for my custom menu:

#savescreen()  *The Screen is saved to erase old arrow tiles
#y!=1          *Y is a variable so it can be changed and updated
#graphic$=arrow.gph * For some reason my TK wont load images unless i do it through vars*
#wait(a$)     *Waits for a key
#if(a$=DOWN)  * checks if down was pressed
#if(y!>=6)    *checks if y! is greater than or equal too 6
#y!=1           *if y! is greater than or equal to 6 is it set back to 1*
#branch(:top1)  *Starts the process again
#y!=y!+1       *if y! is less than 6 then this adds 1 to y!, thus pushing it south*
#if(a$=UP) *same thing

I hope you get the point by now, follow KSNiloc's advice, really learn RPGCode before doing something few can do.



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