In reply to: wait... -- William 12:38:59 08-01-2004
Need Help! Posted by: William 15:33:34 08-01-2004 |
I need help form you Xorlak because you are the best programmer and you respond quick. There is just one enemy that move after the character, and I'm not sure why. Is there any buggs in the for loop? Try to check it out or tru it. This is the code:
*This part is just for try, you can erase it if you like to put
*a for loop instead.
#Method RealTime()
}*If EneHp End*
}*For Loop End*
}*If Attack 1 End*
}*If Attack 2 End
}*If Attack 3 End*
}*If EnemyTurn 5 End*
}*If Attack 0 End*
}*While Loop Battle End
}*Method RealTime End*
#Method GetStats()
#Method CharDead()
#Method EnemyDead()
#Method BattleOverNotWin()
#Method ShortDelay(delay!){#Delay(delay!)}
Thanks, I hope you can help me.