In reply to: Hmmm -- Dude Man 15:42:48 03-02-2007
Heh... Posted by: Xorlak 22:24:20 03-02-2007 |
DAL isn't a major reason, though it does take up some time. And it can be draining, so I usually don't feel like doing much during those breaks anyway. (Heh...)
But DAL has sparked in interest in writing that I never really had before, though it took about two years to develop. (Heh...) Also, it's a different kind of fun. A total opposite from coding. It's been around long enough for me to consider an actual "hobby", and really has spun off into a direction all it's own (thanks, of course, to the DAL players!)
Hence, today's spur-of-the-moment front page update. (Heh...)