In reply to: damn rite theyre boring -- mark of the dragon 19:00:57 10-20-2006
Are you INSANE? Posted by: Enzix 18:40:02 10-23-2006 |
You obviously have been playing the wrong MMORPG's. If you play pieces of crap like Runescape and such, of course you won't like them. I could program an online RPG better than that if you give me a week and a helluvalot of Hot Pockets.
Games like World of Warcraft, however, are FAR from boring. They keep you occupied for hundreds of thousands of hours, seeing as they aren't plagued with the lagginess, bad graphics, and many other issues that free/cheap MMORPG's experience.
Just gotta play the right ones, I guess. The only way Dark Age would make a good MMO is if Xorlak handed his life over to complete geekdom and manually controlled every boss in the game, facing everybody who reached those bosses. That would be intense right there, folks. ;) ~