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In reply to: And you listened! Good boy.. Now all you have to do... -- Montai 19:05:26 06-04-2004

Perhaps I should clarify
Posted by: Xorlak
13:26:28 06-05-2004

1. The tiles from Dark Age 2 do not exactly match up with those from Dark Age.
2. Because of the above condition, I would have to:
a. Remake every board and
b. Make more original tiles to cover the ripped ones that are in no way similar to any of those used in Dark Age 2

and as a result...

3. The game will take several more months to complete.

So, what's wrong with that?  Well, as I state in the preview:

1. This is just a side project.
2. The primary goal is removing the default systems.

And I'll add a third:

3. Bigger things are coming...

Did you listen?  Good boy!


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