In reply to: Hmm -- Colin 19:04:29 07-03-2006
Okay, sounds good Posted by: Xorlak 21:04:50 07-03-2006 |
My only real complaint with the current TK3 would be the flickering in full screen mode (which is unfortunate, since it runs a little faster full screen). Sprites seem to behave nicely for me. Doing a forceredraw() after changing poses isn't a big deal, since that particular command seems to execute nice and fast. The wav() bug is easily worked around the the FMod plugin (though I usually like to stay away from plugins, but it's no big deal). A couple of graphics commands are slow, and some math statements even (a bunch of math in a loop is a killer) but most of those are made bareable with more intellgent code structuring.
Never really been big on OOP, so no worries there.