In reply to: A note -- Colin 14:09:04 07-02-2006
Hmmm... Posted by: Xorlak 15:12:28 07-02-2006 |
You mean backwards compatiblity with 3.0.6? Hmm, that's somewhat troubling news. However if it comes down to it, the way things are going it looks like 3.0.6 would work just fine for my purposes all the way through. (Though I would like to see some speed improvements in some areas.) Thanks for the heads up.
If there's going to be that much of an issue, I would highly recommend fixing a few bugs and getting a completely stable 3.0.6 out first. And if you're rewriting the engine, wouldn't it make more sense to call it 3.1.0? It would justify backwards compatibility issues. (And then we can have 3.0 vs. 3.1 debates! Heh...)
Also, if you need a beta tester to find the said bugs before the release, well, you know where to find me. *wink* *wink*