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In reply to: New maker? -- MrB 11:35:39 10-02-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
13:21:15 10-02-2005

I never said I was leaving the Toolkit.  I'm just trying other options.  As I mentioned in other news comments, I'm going to go with the option that suits my needs the best.

This is the same thing I did with the original Dark Age and Dark Age 2 (which I made back-to-back).  DA2 was started before TK3 was a thought and finished before TK3 was usable.  As for Dark Age EX, that was a upgrade of the original, and my only option was TK2 (TK3 not being very backwards compatible, if you know what I mean).  I guess I could have redone the whole thing in TK3, but I only felt like doing a small side project.

So you see, all three games are a result of a decision I made in late 2000 when I chose the best game maker.  It's not an issue of toleration.  Just finishing what I started.  Make sense now?

Well now that I am looking at a clean slate, I'm going to take a look around and see what's out there.  TK3 is an impressive and likely candidate for my next project.  I'm just taking my time and comparing possibilities.

(I guess I should put up an official statement about this or something.  Heh...)

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