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In reply to: Claymation -- Aminaga 17:19:17 12-18-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
14:37:06 12-19-2005

-For the people, did you use metal bodies, and then put clay around them, or did you just use normal clay figures.

They have simple wire skeletons.  You want something that bends easily, but is stiff enough to keep the joints from bending back once you move them (depends on how bulky the figure is).  If you don't have a wire frame, they'll fall apart.

-Can you buy Video Studio in stores, and not get it by getting the camera?

Not sure.  It doesn't have to be Video Studio.  Any generic program that can splice clips of video together and add sounds in  at any point will do.

-How did you make all the effects for the magic attacks in Photoshop.

You need to paint in the effect for every frame.  I mostly use the paintbrush with an opacity of 40-50%, and go over what I drew with an increasingly lighter shade of the color I'm using, so it looks like whatever it is is glowing.  (Same technique I did for a few cut scenes in DA2).

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