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In reply to: 3 simple questions about DA-EX :P -- Cesque 09:10:10 07-24-2004

Posted by: Xorlak
11:42:14 07-24-2004

(Yay!  Return of the KwasU questions, heh...)

1. Will there be elements like in DA2? It was impossible to implement well in default BS, but will there be present in new, custom one?

Yes.  Enemies have actual working strengths and weaknesses now.

2. The thing which always angered me in DA1 was the Sacred Fire spell, which was recieved before final battle, thus it was impossible to test it's strength on other enemies or something. Will it stay this way, or will it have it's own quest to get like in DA2?

Well since that was a main story factor in the original, I'll probably keep it that way.

3. Will the game's "suprise" rather be a side quest or some continued piece of game after battle with Mortis?

Could be either one... both maybe, or neither (heh...)

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