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In reply to: It'll make him want to.... to.... -- Montai 02:40:11 06-14-2004

I have a debit, heh...
Posted by: Mark of the Dragon
06:31:05 06-14-2004

Only problem is that I don't have a paypal account >_<

My mom had to buy Dark Age 2 for me. I'd hate to see what she'll say if Dark Age EX comes out commercial: "Just download the free version! I don't care if it has the default battle system you're always whining about; If you can get the game for free, then get it for free and don't whine!" Yeah, probably something along those lines...heh.

"This is mother hen. Chicken little, do you copy?"

"Loud and Clear, Mother Hen. Over"

"Is the target in sight? Over"

"Amaniga is coming into view; hot with a side of bacon. Over"

"Take the shot. Over"


"Target Eliminated. Over and out."
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