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In reply to: glitches -- Patrick 15:51:39 06-13-2004

Posted by: Xorlak
16:24:55 06-13-2004

Do you mean the elemental blade spells or the Tech. sequences?  The spells don't require an input (and are in the 'magic' category).  If you're having trouble doing techs in general, there's some settings in the options menu you can play with (but it still takes some practice).

For the ST Guard, try fighting one more battle to the end and trying it again.  If it still doesn't work, it's a bug and I'll make a patch for you.

As for the items, did this happen immediately after fighting in the arena?  If so, how did the battle end (i.e. how far did you get?)

Finally, did you get the upgrade patch available in the download section? (I know I fixed some arena bugs with it, and I'm wondering if perhaps those fixes caused other problems I missed.)

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