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I'm back :)
Posted by: Mark of the Dragon
05:52:10 06-05-2004

Hey guys. It's been a while since I posted, and that's mainly because I've been in the hospital for the past few days due to depression. Sorry to say you won't see too much of me for the next week or so, but I figured I'd let you know what's up with me. Personally, I think I'm doing alright now, but I'm still going to lay off most of my usual activities for a few days, just so I can get back to my old lifestyle at a steady pace and not just have it all thrown at once, heh.

"This is mother hen. Chicken little, do you copy?"

"Loud and Clear, Mother Hen. Over"

"Is the target in sight? Over"

"Amaniga is coming into view; hot with a side of bacon. Over"

"Take the shot. Over"


"Target Eliminated. Over and out."
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