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In reply to: hmmm -- hocaru_agota 15:36:07 05-30-2004

Posted by: Xorlak
11:13:22 05-31-2004

How come the dark blades look like shredder rom ninja turtles.

Heh, I remember that show.  I don't see any resemblance apart from a face mask, which is a common armor feature anyway.

why is mortis and darken sehproth rip offs

Let us list they ways they are similar:

1. Evil
2. White hair
3. Uhhh...

I think you need more than two similarities for a character to be considered a "rip off" of another, particularly in the personality area, which of course all three villains vary widely.  (Kefka and Golbez are way cooler than Sephiroth anyway, heh...)

Why is everyone wearing dbz saya-jin battle armor

'Cause Saiyans are cool!


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