In reply to: hmmm -- hocaru_agota 15:36:07 05-30-2004
Bold claims (more) Posted by: Rueben 19:03:32 05-30-2004 |
I'm not Xorlak, but I think I can answer some of these questions.
#1 How come the dark blades look like shredder from ninja turtles?
Do they? You know, I haven't managed to draw any comparisons between dark Age and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And also why should it matter? Shredder was never particularly striking or original, he just had a cool personality.
#2 Why are mortis and darken sehproth rip offs?
I think this is a little over-the-top. I think firstly we can argue that Sephiroth was one of the greatest villains in an RPG of all time. Naturally, many people along the way were going to try and emulate him using similar design ideas. Few have come close.
However, I personally think you are very wide of the mark. I think Xorlak admitted once (although correct me if I am wrong) that Mortis was "inspired" by Kefka from Final Fantasy III/VI. Kefka is a very different character to Sephiroth, and so is - therefore - Mortis. Arrogant, confident, moody and humorous rather than silent, creepy and calm. The only comparison I see is the white hair.
Darken comes perhaps a little closer, yet even he has much more of a voice than Sephiroth, being closer to a more typical badguy. He has a character of plotting, evil-doing. He is a one-man army whereas Sephiroth was more or less influenced in all of his decisions. Again, I see only the white hair and the clothing as the similarity.
#3 Why is everyone wearing dbz saya-jin battle armor?
Come again?