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In reply to: more -- william 09:42:44 04-03-2004

Posted by: Colin
15:00:28 04-03-2004

Why don't you e-mail me?

The thing that many people have trouble with is the fact that you don't use "real" items as items when you're making a custom menu system. Also, stay away from the commands in MrG's Misc. Plugin Pack...

Here is the way I (and many others) would do it. When an item is used, do something like this:

*item$ contains the handle of the item


Then, in another file:


#Method Info()

Back in the first file do the stuff based on the variables. Equippable items would be similar. Feel very feel to e-mail me (<A HREF="mailto:ksniloc@loggerdelta.tk">ksniloc@loggerdelta.tk</A>) if you have additional questions.

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