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In reply to: heh... -- Instilledbee 11:49:25 04-08-2007

Posted by: Drannic_Lord01
06:20:53 07-16-2007

I have a few suggestions I'd like to throw out there, if this is the right place...

S 1: In Dark Age 3, why not create weapon augmentations?
(augmentation = equiping a magic stone to a weapon to have an added effect. i.e. fire damage, attack through armor, silver weapons, etc.)

S 2: In Dark Age 3, why don't you create attributes and skills, like in almost every console rpg game?
(attribute = strength, dexterity, intelligence, willpower, etc.)
(skills = something that gets a bonus with an attribute. i.e. lock-pick + dexterity, persuade + charisma, sword attack + strength, etc.)

S 3: In Dark Age 3, could you throw in random names from DAL? That would be funny for some guy's name from DAL to pop up in DA3. Heh...

S 4: In Dark Age 3, you could create section maps instead of a world map. Say you're in a certain area and you get a map for it and look at it through you're inventory. You should have separate maps for different areas.

That's it, I guess...

The sword is a weapon for killing. The art of the sword is the art of killing. No matter what fancy words you use, or what titles you put to it, that's the only truth.

~Batousai the manslayer - Rurouni Kenshin~
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