Xorlak (or other RPGCode coders)... Posted by: Colin 21:36:52 03-18-2004 |
It really makes me feel degraded to ask for help, heh...
Anyhow, I am having a problem with #AddPlayer- I don't think it is my program's fault but I will post it just in case.
See, I am using #AddPlayer(var$). The contents of var$ is the filename but when the command runs it does nothing. Just for a test a tried putting the actual filename in the place... still nothing.
Here is the program (it's a battlesystem)...
NOTE: I wrote this several years ago and am now in the process of riving it for my game. There is a fair amount of repeated code in it for, as you already know, the RPGToolkit has no support for Multi-Dimensional arrays.
NOTE 2: I don't feel like putting the pre tag in front of every single line.
NOTE 3: Variables within HTML-like greater-than and lesser-than signs have been mis-read as tags and lost.
#Method Battle(enemy1$,enemy2$,enemy3$,background$)
#Custom.Setup* Sets up my MWin
*Kill possible remnants of old stats...
#to_run$="#Stat." + enemy1$
*Here's what I'm talking about...
#to_run$="#Stat." + enemy2$
#to_run$="#Stat." + enemy3$
*Load the move menu:
#if(currentplayer!>temp!) {#currentplayer!=0}
#MWin("Defense power has returned to normal!")
#to_run$="#" + to_go_down$ + "[defence]!=" + temp2$
#Text(8,2,"Remaining MP : <playersmp!>/<playermaxsmp!>")
#Text(8,3,"Remaining Health: <playerhp!>/<playermaxhp!>")
*Your turn:
#if(key$=="1") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="2") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="3") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="4") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="5") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="1") *fight:
#if(enemycount!=1) {#Branch(:MiddleOfFight)}
#MWin(" Which enemy are you attacking?")
#MWin(" 1 - <enemycount!>")
#if(key$="1") {#done!=1}
#if(key$="2") {#done!=1}
#if(key$="3") {#done!=1}
#MWin(" I am afraid there aren't that many enemies!")
#damage! = playerfp! - EnDp[key2!]!
#Text(8,1,"Damage Dealt: <damage!>")
#EnHp[key2!]! = EnHp[key2!]! - damage!
#if(key$=="2") *magic
#special.moves *Run the special moves method!
#if(key$=="4") *defend
#MWin("Defense power will raise for this turn!")
#if(key$=="3") *items:
#Text(1,1,"Choose an item to use:")
#Print("<a!> - <handle$>")
#Print("c - Cancel")
#if(battles[a!]!==1) {#do_it!=1}
#if(a!==0) {#if(battles[10]!==1) {#do_it!=1}
#if(key$==b$) {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="C") {#key_done!=1}
#if(key$=="C") {#Branch(:itemdone)}
#if(choice!==0) {#choice!=10}
*knock all items back a slot:
#MWin(" <playerHandle[currentplayer!]$> restored <restore!> HP!")
#MWin(" The recoil hurt <playerHandle[currentplayer!]$> <damage!> HP!")
#MWin(" <playerHandle[currentplayer!]$> gained <MPgive!> MP!")
#MWin(" <playerHandle[currentplayer!]$> lost <MPtake!> MP!")
*actually do the stuff:
*restore health:
*MP Gain:
*MP Take:
#if(enemycount!=1) {#Branch(:middleofitemattack)}
#MWin(" Which enemy are you attacking?")
#MWin(" 1 - <enemycount!>")
#if(key$="1") {#done!=1}
#if(key$="2") {#done!=1}
#if(key$="3") {#done!=1}
#MWin(" I am afraid there aren't that many enemies!")
#damage! = playerfp! - EnDp[key2!]!
#Text(8,1,"Damage Dealt: <damage!>")
#EnHp[key2!]! = EnHp[key2!]! - damage!
#If(Method$~="") {#RPGCode(Method$)}
#if(key$=="5") *run:
#MWin("You can't run from this enemy!")
#MWin("You didn't get away!")
#if (hp!<=0) *enemy is dead:
*Enemy's turn:
#if(enemyturn!>enemycount!) {#enemyturn!=1}
#if(fightmet[to_do!]$~="") {#RPGCode(fightmet[to_do!]$)}
#to_run$="#Anim." + fightanm[to_do!]$
#if(playerhp!<=0) {#Branch(:topofloop)}
#damage!= fightpow[to_do!]! - playerdp!
#if(damage!<0) {#damage! = 0}
#Text(8,3,"MP Used: <fightcon[to_do!]!>")
#Text(8,2,"<playerHandle[rnd!]$> was hurt: <damage!>")
#Text(8,3,"Enemy Restored: <fightres[to_do!]!>")
#Text(8,4,"You Restored: <fightplres[to_do!]!>")
*Is the player dead?
#if(playerhp!>0) {#skipover!=1}
#for (count!=29;count!<=32;count!=count!+1)
}* end of main loop
*battle is over:
#if(winfight$~="") {#RPGCode(winfight$)}
#MWin("Players gained <exp!> exp!")
#MWin("Players gained <gm!> Golden Ms!")
#MWin(" You made it away!")
*Kill all useless variables (unfortunently I've missed about 106787 of them)...