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In reply to: DA3 -- FZ 10:28:07 04-12-2006

Posted by: Xorlak
22:41:58 04-12-2006

DA3 would be a long way off, so I wouldn't correlate its release with DA2 going free or not. (Heh...)

A price drop isn't likely, since if I went any lower it wouldn't really be worth the effort to make the CD.  (Heh...)

So will it eventually be free?  I don't know, maybe.  As Colin points out, it may not be fair to people who bought the CD in the first place.  But on the other hand, those people obviously got to play the game several years earlier and have a pretty cool looking CD to go with it.  (If it went free, it would be a download.  I know I'm definitely not making CDs for free, so they'd at least have a sort of collector's item of which only a couple dozen copies exist in the world.  Heh...)

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