How can you guys just (more) Posted by: Montai 03:41:16 03-14-2004 |
sit up there and type stuff about hacking da2. I'm sorry to say this but, I'm startled that Xorlak didn't cuss you all out yet (the hacker peoples). I'm sure that Xorlak isn't a mean guy, and wouldn't mind some little things, but this is going to far.
I think that, instead of trying to hack/add things to da2, you people should just go on and make your own game.(I'm not trying to be mean)
And if some of you were real rpg gamers, you wouldn't need hp hacks, or special move hacks to be it. Or is it the trill of it all you just seek.
I've would have cussed ya'll out a long time a ago :P