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Posted by: Mark of the Dragon
15:57:37 03-02-2004

Alright, in battle, SOMETIMES when you fail to run from an enemy, the character just disappears. You can still fight, but Brash is invisible.

Also, after fighting the second boss in Viper's cave, I encountered a slug. Brash targeted the second enemy, even though there was none, AND I selected the slug for the attack.

I don't know if these were one-time things for my comp, or if they affected other ppl more than once.

"This is mother hen. Chicken little, do you copy?"

"Loud and Clear, Mother Hen. Over"

"Is the target in sight? Over"

"Amaniga is coming into view; hot with a side of bacon. Over"

"Take the shot. Over"


"Target Eliminated. Over and out."
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