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Xorlak, problems with bs..
Posted by: William
15:07:42 12-14-2004

You see, you said to me to use this:


And sure it's a good idea. But in the #enemyturn method, I have some other methods and so. And one of those methods in th #enemyturn method is a part where you check if the character is dead, and atfer that the program runs from the top by a branch.

And then it won't go back to the for loop location.
So I have to recode a large part if I want to use that way, so I'm thinking of having "as many enemy turn parts as enemy".

So I will "maybe" have it where the first enemy move:

1. Enemy 1 checks if he can attack
2. Enemy 1 moves if he can't attack
3. Enemy 2 checks if he can attack
2. Enemy 2 moves if he can't attack

But will it be very slow if I do this?

So I will have two programs for two enemies, I know this will be long but it's pretty difficult to have a for loop here. This is the whole code if you like to see it:










#ColorRGB( 255, 255, 255 )

#If(grid!=0){#SetImage("BattleBoardCover.bmp",174,0,466,332)     #SetImage("arrows.bmp",0,0,145,98)}
#If(grid!=1){#SetImage("BattleBoardCoverGrid.bmp",174,0,466,332) #SetImage("arrows.bmp",0,0,145,98)}





#PixelText(350, 366, "<HP!>/<maxhp!>")
#PixelText(350, 388,"<smp!>/<maxsmp!>")
#PixelText(364, 409,"<fp!>")
#PixelText(364, 430,"<dp!>")

#PixelText(542, 342, "<enename[slot!]$>")
#PixelText(542, 355, "<enehp[slot!]!>/<eneHPmax[slot!]!>")
#PixelText(552, 370, "<enefp[slot!]!>")

*#PixelText(542, 385, "<enename[slot!]$>")
*#PixelText(542, 399, "<enehp[slot!]!>/<eneHPmax[slot!]!>")
*#PixelText(552, 413, "<enefp[slot!]!>/<eneHPmax[slot!]!>")

*#PixelText(542, 428, "<enename[slot!]$>")
*#PixelText(542, 442, "<enehp[slot!]!>/<eneHPmax[slot!]!>")
*#PixelText(552, 456, "<enefp[slot!]!>/<eneHPmax[slot!]!>")




#If(a$="UP"){                      #y!=y!-33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-north.bmp",74,16,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}
#If(a$="DOWN"){                    #y!=y!+33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-south.bmp",74,70,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}
#If(realtime!=1){#If(a$="RIGHT"){  #x!=x!-33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-west.bmp",47,43,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}}
#If(realtime!=1){#If(a$="LEFT"){   #x!=x!+33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-east.bmp",101,43,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}}

#If(realtime!=2){#If(a$="LEFT"){   #x!=x!-33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-west.bmp",47,43,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}}
#If(realtime!=2){#If(a$="RIGHT"){  #x!=x!+33 #SetImageTransparent("cursor-east.bmp",101,43,17,17,255,255,255) #LittleDelay()}}




#If(a$="UP"){#chardir$="UP" #EnemyTurn()}
#If(a$="DOWN"){#chardir$="DOWN" #EnemyTurn()}
#If(a$="LEFT"){#chardir$="LEFT" #EnemyTurn()}
#If(a$="RIGHT"){#chardir$="RIGHT" #EnemyTurn()}

#If(grid!=1){#grid!=0 #Branch(:top)}
#If(grid!=0){#grid!=1 #Branch(:top)}


}*While Loop End*

#Method GetStats()
}*Method GetStats End*

#Method Attack()
}*Method Attack End*

#Method xplusone()

#Method xminusone()

#Method yplusone()

#Method yminusone()

#Method FinishBattle()
}*Method Finish Battle End*

#Method Magic()
*For Next Release*
}*Method Magic End*

#Method Items()
*For Next Release*
}*Method Items End*

#Method Flee()
#PixelText(150,46,"I ran away from the enemy.")
#PixelText(150,62,"Press a arrow key to continue.")
}*Method Flee End*

#Method EnemyTurn()


#Method check()

#Method EnemyEqualStoneLocation()


#Method EnemyEqualCharacterLocation()


}*Method EnemyTurn End*

#Method EnemyAttack()
}*Method EnemyAttack End*

#Method FinishAttack()
}*Method FinishAttack End*

#Method CheckCharDead()
#PixelText(150,46,"You was killed by the enemy. Please try again")
#PixelText(150,46,"or visit my website: www.rpgstudio.mysticsoftware.net")
}*Method CheckCharDead End*

#Method CheckEnemyDead()
#PixelText(150,46,"The enemy lost Battle.")
#PixelText(150,62,"Press a 'arrow key' to continue.")
}*Method CheckEnemyDead End*

#Method LittleDelay()
}*Method LittleDelay End*

Fan of DA. Keep it going.

Working on other things now. Trying to get my life to pieces.
That was a long time ago I wrote this:
Project: Marovia
Finished: 32%
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