I know you smart but this is difficult.. Posted by: William 20:13:49 12-02-2004 |
I know you will think this programming technicue is strange because I'm going around the most important things. But I have a turnbased bs where you walk, but I want two or more enemies and right now I have one, this is the enemy part code:
#Method xplusone()
#Method xminusone()
#Method yplusone()
#Method yminusone()
#Method EnemyTurn()
#Method check()
#Method EnemyEqualStoneLocation()
#Method EnemyEqualCharacterLocation()
}*Method EnemyTurn End*
#Method EnemyAttack()
}*Method EnemyAttack End*
Do you think you can give me some ideas how to create it so I can have more enemies?
It's okay if you don't because I know it's not easy to understand this code. Thanks anyway.