In reply to: Thanks -- Tidus 21:03:37 08-23-2004
Hmmm... Posted by: Xorlak 11:46:40 08-24-2004 |
One way to do that would be to store the old combo$ before you add something. For example:
Then when you want to subtract the last one:
But that will only allow you to back up once.
Hmmm, now that I think of it, a$ is only one letter, right? You could take apart the varaible with #CharAt and reconstruct it without the last letter. For example, when adding:
Now when taking the last letter off:
#charat(combo$,i!,a$) *puts the letter in position i! into a$
That'll copy everything before the last letter into newcombo$, which then replaces what's in combo$.