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In reply to: William... -- Colin 15:17:50 03-29-2007

Posted by: William
07:36:21 03-30-2007

Why would you want the 3.0.6 source? It's totally obsolete in a few weeks when we release 3.0.7. That having been said, you were linked to both the 3.0.6 sources and the latest sources on multiple occasions.
because I want to work on it. Im not interested in 3.0.7, I would be if it was programmed in Visual Basic, but since its not, nah.

And I was explained to use the cvs, whatever that now is. But I was not linked to the source at any time.

Fan of DA. Keep it going.

Working on other things now. Trying to get my life to pieces.
That was a long time ago I wrote this:
Project: Marovia
Finished: 32%
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