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In reply to: Need some help -- William 08:16:33 03-29-2007

Posted by: Colin
15:17:50 03-29-2007

Why would you want the 3.0.6 source? It's totally obsolete in a few weeks when we release 3.0.7. That having been said, you were linked to both the 3.0.6 sources and the latest sources on multiple occasions. This page includes a snapshot of the 3.0.6 sources, but you would be a fool to work on them. They are primarily for historical interest. If you want the latest sources, you need to download cvs and run something like this at the terminal, as I've said before:

set CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@rpgtoolkit.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/rpgtoolkit
cvs login
cvs checkout vb
cvs checkout vc
cvs logout

When asked for a password, press enter.

The people at TKZ were nice enough to question your intent. Modifying the editor to add a feature specific to working with your battle system is a bad idea. Instead, code a separate program. You can use some of the code from the editor if it helps you (e.g. for the file types). The only restriction is a positive thing: your program must be licensed under the GPL (if you use the latest sources).

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