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In reply to: Well... -- Xorlak 11:22:06 03-14-2004

Posted by: Colin
19:58:56 03-14-2004

I mean...

It's not really "hacking"...

As far as I know...

The only laws are protecting trans2.exe from being modified...

But even if it's not a question of laws...

My intention is not to aid peoples' cheating...

It's more to demonstrate concepts...

If Xorlak didn't want his game modified he could have prevented it quite eaisly...

I don't really think the game is even being modified...

Writing programs to change .sav files and to <I>ADD NEW FILES</I> to the project are <I>VERY DIFFERENT</I> then "modifing games".

On the other hand...

If Xorlak "<I>...[doesn't] really approve of [his] my game being modified...</I>" why hadn't he said something eariler?

But if it is the creator's wishes for the "hacking" to cease... cease it shall.

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