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In reply to: More questions for Xorlak... -- Aminaga 20:49:35 10-31-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
22:37:14 10-31-2005

1: About the unfinished midis you made. Do you have any of them on your compy?

Yep.  I'll skim through them and see if there's anything somewhat interesting.  (Heh...)

2: On another MIDI related subject, I'm looking for more midis of DA2 for me to experiment with. Any of them your willing to show off?

I think I uploaded all the official DA2 MIDIs.

3: When are you starting DA3? Cause I'm getting better with music design, as well as programming. So if it won't hurt, feel free to email me at aminaga1231@ultimategamingproductions.net, and ask for some samples.

Thanks for the offer.  Rueben's actually doing parts of the DA3 soundtrack in conjuntion with a school project though, so he requested most if not all of the tracks.  Still, I may need a few extras sometime.

4: I am currently in the process of coding a new game-creation engine currently entitled "GameKit." I'm hoping in a couple months, I'll have a usable version of it for you, but for now, if you wan't, I can drop buy some screenies for you once it's further into production. Just something you may wanna concider for DA3. (Or a possible DA4 in the future.)

Sounds interesting.  I'm only looking at things that have been in development for years and are really stable now though, so this one'll have to wait for DA4!  (Heh...)

5: What version of Adobe Photoshop do you have? Because I am wanting to buy it soon, and I wanna know which version that you, the professional, currently own.

Version 5.0.  It's very old, but suits all my purposes just fine.  I'd say save yourself some money and get the oldest version you can find.

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