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In reply to: What? -- William 16:39:34 12-26-2004

Posted by: Colin
17:14:36 12-26-2004

Take a look at two equations...

a) x = y
b) x == y

Equation a--using the assignment opeartor--sets x to y and the result of the equation is new value of x. Equation b--using the comparison operator--checks if x is the same as y and, if so, the value is 1, if so, else it's 0.

Observe this while loop:

while (x! = 4) { }

If #strict is in effect, that while loop will never end. Why? Let's think about what while does. It loops while its contents evalutes to a non-zero value. Since x! is being continually set to 4, and 4 is non-zero, that will loop forever.

Hope that helps.

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