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In reply to: Hmmm... -- Xorlak 11:31:22 07-27-2004

Tried it out
Posted by: Xorlak
12:17:30 07-28-2004

I tried it with two compilers.  You wouldn't happen to be using Borland's Bcc32 would you?

The Bcc32 compilation crashes at the cin statement for no apparent reason.  I've had trouble with this compiler before,
so I tried it with Cygwin's g++.  Cygwin is a Unix emulator for Windows and g++ a Unix compiler.  That executible ran perfectly.
I even removed the "std::"'s (which shouldn't be neccessary in the first place).

Basically, that tells me the problem is with your compiler.  If you are using Bcc32, you might want to turn it into a C program,
which I found it has better support for (basically swap printf, gets, and structs for cout, cin, and classes).  If you don't
feel like playing games with a compiler, I highly recommend getting Cygwin.  The only problem with that is if you want to get programs
running outside of the emulator, you need to include a (provided) DLL (which just means you can't sell the programs,
although I think there's a way around this).

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