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Xorlak's skill system...
Posted by: Cesque
13:38:14 04-15-2004

Hmm. As I'm currently thinking about easy-to-implement level-up system in Satarel's Legacy, I came into idea that somehow - or maybe, more than somehow - resembles Xorlak's skill system. As I remember him defending it as his ultimate idea, I am asking about permission to implement something I've put below... (I don't want to be accused for plagerism)

(actually, about 25% of idea is borrowed from, heh, World of Warcraft :), maybe another 10-15% from games like ADOM or Fallout, using perks/talents)

Basicaly, player in game would not achieve levels, but rather, "points". There will be points of different kind, like health point, mana points, attack points, etc. As player wins battle, finds a secret area etc, finishes quest, he gains experience for these points. Once he gains enough, he gains a "point", increasing his health, mana, attack... Experience amounts needed depend on player's stats and class.

The special cases are 2 types of "points", skill points, which can be used to buy "talents". Talents have different requirements and come of various type, and to keep balance, points for talents will divide into "peaceful" and "combat". Some talents have multiple ranks, some are unique, class-specific, Some cost more or less skill points.

As far as I think about it, talents would be sold by "trainers", scattered around the world. I also think of making spells achieved via talents... So maybe I'll divide the skill points into more catgeories, like offensive, defensive, magic, trade skills...

The whole concept simply sounds a bit like Xorlak's skill system. If you consider this plagerism, I can return to concept of level-up system or find some new conception.

"Xorlak is the most powerful, evil, vile and feared dark wizard known to man!"
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