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The State of Mystic Software
Posted by: Xorlak
17:02:51 02-06-2011


There are some nostalgic folks here, so figured I would give a heads-up. ;)

Mystic Software (currently located at http://mysticsoftware.xorlak.com) will cease to exist as it is before the end of the month. MS is the very last site on an old server that needs killing, and unfortunately the code is too old and the files too large for my primary web server.  All resources, games, pages, etc, will NOT be transferred over in the state that they are in now.

I will make a torrent of all the games and resources available and link to that on a placeholder page, which will be located at the above link.  Torrents are pretty nifty things, although the downloads will be pretty slow since I'm probably the only one who will be seeding.  So it's probably a good idea to grab everything you want right now while it's more easily accessible.

I have everything that's currently hosted backed up.  If people are interested in hosting MS as it is now, I'll be happy to offer the files.

The MS Forums, which are currently inaccessible, will be restored in full and upgraded to newer software.  No worries there. :)

Thanks folks, and sorry!  This is partially a cost-cutting measure, and partially because I've got too many blasted websites and need to focus on non-dead ones. ;)

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