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In reply to: Hmmm... -- Xorlak 21:19:35 03-29-2007

I disagree.
Posted by: Colin
14:44:31 03-30-2007

William's battle system is a little difficult to work into a game. If you submitted the battle system that you wrote for Dark Age II to TKZ unaltered, I would suggest thtat it would deserve a fairly low rating since it would be extremely difficult to actually make any practical use of it in a new game (all the magic globals, etc.). It's still an excellent battle system, but it's not an excellent resource for other users. There is a difference in intent: your system was not intended to be used by other people, but William's was, and he failed to take this into consideration when designing the system.

The rating going down is silly, but it's because the original rating did not consider the ease with which it could be integrated into a game, and I think that is the most important criterion with which user submitted resources must be judged.

William's response to these criticisms was simply to declare that he will never make any another version of the battle system. This is not a cruel move because nobody was using it anyway, but it does indicate a far more deity-like approach to programming than we take. (Also an approach reminiscent of evil proprietary software companies like Apple and Microsoft.) Indeed, nobody has stopped William from working on the sources. I even offered him the exact commands to use with cvs three months ago; the code staff member did suggest that he was too incompetent to make use of these, but I believe that everybody has a right to work with the sources of programs.

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