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The bugs I've noticed
Posted by: Cesque
14:12:32 03-15-2007

I don't know if any of these have already been mentioned, but:

- A few obstacles are non-solid. Notable examples are one of the rocks in the Vulcan's Cinder cave (just after the enterance) and one of chairs in the Smega Class main room. Also, a few ocean rock tiles.

- I get a weird impression that moving from east to west (across boards) near the north continent using a boat warps you to a wrong position (e.g. moving by the shore, and then on next board being put far below in the sea), but maybe it's just odd continent shape across boards or something. :/

- Once, after one of battles in Vampir Castle (I believe in some room after the first locked door), I got transported to a different board (or a different part of it) and couldn't leave because the debris blocked my way (so I had to load the game).

- During third battle with Posidon I had some strange "display" bug where after dealing damage, my health changed to some amount, and then after a while (a redraw or a turn) it got changed into a lower amount. I guess it was only a display problem, though.

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