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In reply to: Myeh -- Xorlak 18:22:00 11-16-2006

I think....
Posted by: Cuzit
19:50:28 11-21-2006

Dude Man wrote: " That what you could do is before releasing the entire thing, release a demo and then see what people think. But anyone who'd like it enough to buy it, would probably like it enough to lie. =P"

I don't think that'd work, because of the fact most people that want to download the game are TKZers, and most of them aren't old enough to have a credit card.  The ones that are, like Spyder and Xavier and Alex (I think) probably would pay for it, unless Xorlak charged an outrageous price for it.  Most of them would have a lot of convincing to do with their parents, of which wouldn't want to pay.  That's why I couldn't play DAII until just recently when it was released for free.

If he was to attempt to make money off of it, I think you should offer upgrades for charges.  For example, downloadable mini-games and side quests and the like that Xorlak could charge a buck or two for.  Or maybe have a basic and a premium version, where the basic one contains solely the main quest and a hand full of other side quests, where the premium version has the main quest, more side quests, mini-games, weapons, magic, a hidden character or two, and the like.

My thoughts. =)

http://www.cuzit.bravehost.com - Click it. All the info you can want on Cahara (my game), New Hope (my novels), or my rap career, and more!
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