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In reply to: Hmmm... -- Xorlak 15:12:28 07-02-2006

Posted by: Colin
19:04:29 07-03-2006

While we do have a testing team, most of them don't actually have games (or functionally complete games: see Hearldy).

Fixing bugs in 3.0.6 isn't really possible, nor is it something we want to do. The problems with sprites in particular are logical problems with the way the whole graphics subsystem was initially set up. We would essentially have to rewrite in VB6 too. (There are some workarounds for you to use, however.) 3.0.7 is mostly in C++ with some C, and writing it all in VB6 too would be quite a lot of work and not too useful.

As for 3.1.0, that will probably be the name of the version after 3.0.7, after community testing. But the bugs I am referring to are quite minor and you will probably not notice any problems at all with 3.0.7 RPGCode unless you make extensive use of classes.

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