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In reply to: Answers -- Xorlak 14:27:33 07-01-2006

A note
Posted by: Colin
14:09:04 07-02-2006

3.0.7 is going to have a much better RPGCode parser/interpreter but (you didn't hear this from me) it's going to have some small bugs that are hard to find without community testing that will make backwards compatibility frustrating. (It's a completely different implementation in C [the lex/yacc lexer and parser] and C++ [the compiler and interpreter].) We're talking literally a thousand times faster (code originally taking a second clocks less than a millisecond, etc.), but the backwards compatibility will be frustrating. I do not know what to recommend (3.0.6 has its own bugs, we hope the significant of which are fixed), but I'm letting you know.

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