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In reply to: Sounds.... -- Harryboy 21:21:38 05-19-2006

It's not too difficult
Posted by: Xorlak
10:46:56 05-20-2006

First you need to record the music to a WAV file.  This can be done with the simple Windows Sound Recorder, but I would recommend a program like Audacity. (Just search for "Audacity" on Google.)

Once you do that, you can convert the WAV file to an MP3 using a program like "WAV to MP3 Converter" (again, just search for the name).  There's also an extra plugin you can download for Audacity that does the job as well.

Now of course, recording MIDIs to MP3s wouldn't make much sense if they still sounded like MIDIs, right?  You can make MIDIs sound better by playing them with different sound fonts.  But to do this, you either need an SB Live sound card or something similar installed on your machine, or the Apple Quick Time Player (although it can be tricky getting sound fonts to work with that).

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